Adventures Begin at Our Doorstep

A Place to Stay, Take in the Waters, Reveal Your Stories
Journey to Historic Berkeley Springs, West Virginia and rejuvenate a tired body, quiet a busy mind, heal a forgotten spirit or “EMBRACE” your sense of adventure. Explore the tree-covered hills that hide the secrets of the turbulent creation of its beauty where Native Americans once traveled to receive the benefits of the 74 degrees flowing mineral springs. Experience the wonders of our local state parks where geology has formed the extradory “Almost Heaven” Overlook at Cacapon State Park, the “Panorama Overlook” at Prospect Peak and one of the world’s most iconic engineering marvels, the “Paw Paw Tunnel”. Take in the waters, experience culinary delights, be entertained by one-of-a-kind local musicians that “MIX IT UP”, enjoy iconic shopping where creativity for local craftsmen and artisans flows like the local microbrewery drafts, and don’t forget to sample our famous “world-class” Apple Butter.